We are a small office and do not often have a front desk person. If the door is open please feel free to head to the back of the suite room #2 and say hello!

Please call or text ahead of your visit so we can best serve you!


What To Expect On Your First Visit

You will be greeted by Dr. Elizabeth, and she will bring you back into the treatment room.

First Dr. Elizabeth will begin with a consultation that will serve as the “get to know you” portion of the appointment. She will go over your health history from your intake paperwork that you filled out prior to coming to your appointment. That will include information like, previous injuries and hospitalizations, medications, vitamins, sleep, etc. Dr. Elizabeth will discuss your reason for the visit and address any concerns you may have about your health or chiropractic care.

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before go ahead and tell us! We are happy to answer as many questions as you may have and make the experience as wonderful as possible for you!

Next Dr. Elizabeth will perform an exam specific to the reason you came in. This will include things such as muscle strength testing, sensory testing, reflex testing, orthopedic tests and range of motion. Wear comfy clothes that allow you to move and be relaxed.

If your exam warrants further testing such as an x-ray or bloodwork Dr. Elizabeth will explain where to get those done in the quickest and most affordable way possible. As soon as Dr. Elizabeth has those results in hand she will give you a call to discuss them and either schedule another visit to follow up and receive treatment, or give you recommendations for referral to the appropriate health care practitioner.

If your exam did not warrant further testing before receiving treatment Dr. Elizabeth will adjust you and do any muscle work you may require such as stretching, using a massage gun, cupping, or red light therapy. Dr. Elizabeth will go over a tailored treatment plan with you so you can get to feeling your best!

These aren’t long care plans that you have to pay for up front. They are on average 3-12 visits based on the conditions being treated. The goal of this office is to get you where you want to go with as few visits to us as possible! Dr. Elizabeth aims to get her patients to their healthcare goals and in the process educate them about their bodies so they know when they need to contact her for more treatment.